Storm Chase 5.10.2016: Late nights.
Give'em Hail left Forney around noon and headed toward Sherman, TX. I check GRL3 and opted for Weatherford. Traffic across DFW was murderously slow. We arrived on station after the first major cell had passed and we waited for another.
A second wave of storms passed over us, but with only insignificant hail. Not being one to give up so easily,
we gave chase to the storm but never caught up to it and watched in dissipate on GRL3. It was near dark, and we have already learned that lesson. The new weather stripping job around the back doors to the trailer prevented temperature loss.
Thank you to Lynn Bell for a job well done, and tip o' the hat to chase team members John Ewell, and Alan Odom for sticking with us! Lynn and I headed home and pulled in to the lab around 2:00 AM. Late night is getting way to late for this engineer!